Sunday 3 July 2016

Planning A Party by KoKo P

             We often work our skins out when preparing for people during events. However, no matter how prepared we may be,complainants would always abound, leaving the organizers feeling sad and unappreciated. Could it be a case of the insatiable wants of man? Or the different levels of appreciations? Or we just love to complain or be heard? Or expect too much? Because someone once said ‘he who expects nothing, never gets disappointed 

             Living is just one big event which we all begin from the day of birth. How big our Party would be is hinged on the kind of elementary schooling, be it traditional, Western learning or skill acquisitions of family trading values. This is where you plan your future events, this is when you learn about the kind of friends to keep and invite,the kind of songs you will play at your party, kind of food you give to your guest, the number of people you can afford to take care of. A lot of time must be put into this as it is the foundation of partying, where you plan all the activities you wish to happen and also because you may not have control over the date and time. The fundamental truth is the importance of this phase is only seen in retrospect.
                 After all said and done, it is impossible to be too careful,so we eagerly anticipate the main event because we were sent here to make impact. Not sure if you are ready for the party while you make last minute changes and adjustments to equip you for what is ahead.The party begins at the time you are around 25 to 30 years old,independent of marital status.
               Things begin to happen so fast that many people are too scared to face it.Some expect people to do the party for them, a good percentage will try to appear perfect, waiting for donations from everyone, and many get discouraged by seeing others start badly.A lot will never begin their parties in life as they will spend too much time learning steps from other dancers that they forget to dance to their own life’s tunes.
                  But since it has to begin, you welcome guests from all walks of life, invited and uninvited. These guests are mostly affiliates from planning times, which are grouped into neighbors, colleagues, religious and childhood friends, many who are now high end dignitaries. You usher them into their seats in distinct canopies or tables, exchanging pleasantries with you and among themselves.While some may call to complain about distance of location or needing description to the venue, others may ignore your invite. But it’s expected.
                 With everyone settling down to the proceedings, music begins to play.By this time you are almost 35 years old or older. Some people at this time enjoy very loud music, some low, a few are still deaf to any form of sound as we approach ‘’the fool at 40 point”, but since it is your party all the music people will listen to you are determined by you. The menu of the party winds down irrespective of happenings, you see more guests hustling to get in, some asking for seats, securing some for friends and relatives.In the midst of all these, many will get angry and leave. Focusing on the party plan and all protocols being observed we progress to item 7,
                      Suddenly, there is calm as food begins to circulate, some are busy munching, some set are looking to carry extra while some will reject the given food, requesting  for special meals chanting ‘do you know who I am’ and the sorts. In the midst of the noise and rowdiness, drinks appear on the scene and are being shared as escorts for the meal down the throat. Seeing dignitaries given special attention many will develop “long throat” and get angry but this does not stop the news of your bubbling party from circulating the town via social media updates and phone calls, leading to the arrival of more guests. Seeing people who you planned for eat and happy you sweat around with a sense of accomplishment, seating in to chat with some close partners, in a hurry, some people eat up and leave as they have to meet up with other activities but not all of them will eat and go. In fact some will order you to be ready to receive their appreciation(spraying and gifts) before they leave. Many will fault the music as excuse; in real sense some never came to dance but to do journalism.
                 Witnessing you receive loads of gift, some guests may begin to leave because the food that brought them wasn’t served and no form of food is in sight, by this time you are (yes!)in your 50s.
Most resort to direct demand of gifts when it begins to look like ‘’the patient dog approach’’ has yielded no results.Some special ones would take home wines, while a good number will resort to stealing.
                At this point you must have seen the importance of family (conjugal or extended) all through your party.This is more so as they help in Sharing, Serving and Securing (S.S.S) all through.People without conjugal family(i.e. people without wife or kids or both) still party but the ease the family brings cannot be overemphasized.
           As you say good bye to your guests, some may thank you openly for your hospitality thereby filling your jar of pride. However, you should always be thankful for the grace to host a party and never feel superior when you see people with smaller party.
               As the day draws to a close, tiredness sets in, with expectations that your party would be the news topic in town for days to come.You appreciate all who made your PARTY A SUCCESS, Thanking them for coming, appreciating all of them as they leave because you may never see some again. You will only hear tales of some; friends of friends would become your new best friends, as some of your old friends may act funny afterwards.At this time your clock would be around 60’s, a period where you can either become lean or grow fat from the feedback on your party.
Many will say you ignored them, some will say you gave some people too much to eat.You will even hear things like “the party no work, he no plan well”.Hearing this from people you planned for maybe heartbreaking but it gives you a clearer picture of their personalities. All these unfold as you begin to review the tape from your party with your family and friends.
 References will be made to your party as the last time they had a good time or even the last time they saw a particular friend or family member. With you retiring from the driver’s seat to owner’s corner to reach back to see if all plans were executed and party goals achieved.
At this point reactions from guests will serve as a lesson for you and a useful knowledge  that become an experience point you adopt in the planning of other people’s party. A QUICK CHECK Of time and you will see 70 something. It is evening already! What more can you do than to be thankful to God for the Grace he gave you to host a party.
                A great sense of accomplishment quickly fills your veins, as you see all the people you planned for happy.
 Spend time today planning and learning because as useless as an experience may appear, someone near you may need you to use it in helping them plan their parties as you have become a better PARTY PLANNER.
So the next time you see an elderly person ask them “how was your party”? So u can get tips from them to better yours,
After all, we are all PARTY PLANNERS HERE ON EARTH...
Music = money, party =life…guest=people you let into your life. Food=connections,favor,money
As used in this context…now read again with a more open mind this time.
Enjoy your party
 Draw morals and share all, for preparation is key
Power to the Youths
From The King of Gist, Koko PeeD'lyrical Engr.
“Planning a Party”

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